I took my students on a field trip around downtown Salem last week. It was a beautiful day and we got to walk around and through the streets and alleys, take some pictures, and see what was going on. Afterwards when the students wrote about their little jaunt around town, I noticed something very interesting. Those teens who had grown up in Salem had the "So lame" attitude, while the 4 or 5 students who had recently moved to Salem thought it was a really cool place with pretty buildings, lots to do, and cool shops.
So, where are the kids who live here getting this idea that Salem isn't fun or interesting? Is it just because they know it too well and have grown up around here and don't appreciate it? Or are they hearing it from their parents or older siblings?
Now, I grew up in Salem, and I'm well aware of its issues and shortcomings, but compared to the way it was when I was a teenager, Salem is downright cool. But that's another story and I'll have to save those musings for another post.
Caroline Rose
2 hours ago